«Journal of Geriatric Cardiology»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

من ويكيتعمر
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث
(أنشأ الصفحة ب'http://www.jgc301.com/ch/index.aspx ISSN 1671-5411 CN 11-5329/R Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (J Geriatr Cardiol, JGC) is a quarterly, open-access (OA), internation...')
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المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 22:19، 19 يناير 2015


ISSN 1671-5411 CN 11-5329/R

Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (J Geriatr Cardiol, JGC) is a quarterly, open-access (OA), international, and peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Institute of Geriatric Cardiology (IGC), Chinese PLA General Hospital and published by Science Press.

2013 ISI JCR impact factor: 1.056

Ibrahim F Benter, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, PO Box: 24923, Safat 13110, Kuwait http://www.jgc301.com/ch/reader/view_editor.aspx?id=11061523344400003