«Education and Training of Medical Professionals»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

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(أنشأ الصفحة ب' Education and Training of Medical Professionals Samia Ahmed Abdul-Rahman, Egypt Abstract title: The Pioneer and Castle of Geriatric Educational Programs for Health Ca...')
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المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 00:13، 1 مايو 2016

Education and Training of Medical Professionals

Samia Ahmed Abdul-Rahman, Egypt

Abstract title: The Pioneer and Castle of Geriatric Educational Programs for Health Care Professionals (Egyptian Experience)

Ashour A, Hamza S and Abdul-Rahman SA Ain Shams University – Cairo- Egypt

Objectives: To estimate the Egyptian experience in training and educating health care professionals in the field of Geriatric medicine.

Methods: Measure the different educational programs provided for health providers in the faculty of medicine Ain Shams University and other Egyptian Educational institutes and their suitability to the Egyptian community and other regional countries.

Results: The Egyptian experience regarding Geriatric started 25 years ago in Faculty of medicine Ain Shams University. It started in the form post graduate Master and Medical doctorate programs. Than Geriatric medicine become a separate course for the all undergraduate medical students. Several courses had been designed for training physicians from other specialties and other non-medical health care professionals (social workers. Psychologists, etc). Now all medical students are trained for primary health care services for elderly and workshops are designed for all faculty graduates for practical geriatric approach. Several post graduate programs rather than geriatrics are considering geriatrics within their program and courses specifications. The certificate of advanced experience in psychogeriatric is higher degree program for psychiatrists and geriatricians. Three other universities are now offering courses and programs for medical students and health care professionals. The curricula of all the programs are regularly updated. The number of trained health care professionals for elderly care is now increasing to suit the community needs.

Conclusion: Increasing number medical students having the required basic geriatric training for health care professionals. There is an established system for training all categories of health care providers on elderly health care.
