«How to become a Geriatrician in different European countries»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

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(أنشأ الصفحة ب' How to become a Geriatrician in different European countries R. Reiter a, *,1 , S. Diraoui b,1 , N. Van Den Noortgate c , A.J. Cruz-Jentoft d , on behalf of the EAMA...')
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المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 16:40، 3 أكتوبر 2016

How to become a Geriatrician in different European countries

R. Reiter a,

  • ,1

, S. Diraoui b,1 , N. Van Den Noortgate c , A.J. Cruz-Jentoft d , on behalf of the EAMA

Keywords: Geriatric medicine Postgraduate training European countries


In Europe postgraduate training to become a geriatrician is regulated by national governments. To gain some insight how these regulations work in practice students of the Xth EAMA Postgraduate Course in Geriatrics prepared a presentation on how to become a geriatrician in their country. This article summarizes and compares the given information of 16 European countries illustrating an extensive diversity of postgraduate geriatric education on all reported levels including entry requirements, duration of training, content of training in relation to clinical rotations and assessment of qualification of trainees.

EURGER-520; No. of Pages 5

European Geriatric Medicine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
