صفحات يتيمة

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الصفحات التالية غير موصولة من أو مضمنة في الصفحات الأخرى في ويكيتعمر.

بالأسفل 50 نتيجة في النطاق من 121 إلى 170.

عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

  1. At home
  2. Attending Physician Work Hours: Ethical Considerations and the Last Doctor Standing
  3. Attitude of medical students toward old people in Ajman, United Arab Emirates
  4. Attitudes about Aging: A Global Perspective
  5. Attitudes of Egyptian nursing home residents towards staying in a nursing home: a qualitative study
  6. Attitudes of Students who Receive Health Education in a Foundation University Regarding Age Discrimination
  7. Attitudes of older Egyptians towards nursing care at home: a qualitative study
  8. Austrian Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  9. Authorship: An Evolving Concept
  10. Awareness of Osteoporosis among Saudi Population in Saudi Arabia Especially Taif governorate
  12. BIG MED
  13. BTS Guideline for Emergency Oxygen Use in Adult Patients
  14. Bahrain Responses to the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing questionnaire
  15. Balance in elderly (Egypt)
  16. Been Sick for Two Years. Poisoned By Prilosec.
  17. Beers Criteria Public Translation
  18. Belief in a just world and depression in elderly nursing home residents
  19. Big ‘G’ and Little ‘g’ Geriatrics Education for Physicians
  20. Bispectral Index Monitoring Improves the Cognitive Function After Desflurane –Anaesthesia in Elderly Patients Undergoing Spine Surgery
  21. Blurred vision, at least half my meds, from antihystamine to prilosec, cause this
  22. Board Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy
  23. Brain aging in a sample of normal Egyptians cognition
  24. Brain aging in normal Egyptians: cognition, education, personality, genetic and immunological study.
  25. Breast Cancer by Age at Diagnosis in the Gharbiah, Egypt, Population-Based Registry Compared to the United States Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, 2004–2008
  26. Bridging the gap between clinical research and knowledge translation in pediatric emergency medicine
  27. BroadTones China’s Stigma on Dementia Isn’t Helping Anyone
  28. Building Specialized Geriatric Services in Acute Care Hospitals: the Business Case and Toolkit
  29. Burden of care on female caregivers and its relation to psychiatric morbidity
  30. CAPMAS: Proportion of elderly hits 7.1 percent in Egypt
  33. Cairo Center for Aging
  34. Cairo Seniors Clinic
  35. Can geriatrics survive?
  36. Can some approaches to health education become hazardous to health
  37. Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network (CDKTN)
  38. Care Area Triggers (CAT).
  39. Care for the Elderly: The Egyptian Experience
  40. Care home resident with dementia learns violin at the age of 85
  41. Care of Older Adults - Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)
  42. Care services for elderly people with dementia in rural China: a case study
  43. Caregiver Center Glossary - alz.org
  44. Caregiver burden from caring for impaired elderly: a cross-sectional study in rural Lower Egypt
  45. Caring for patients of Islamic denomination: Critical care nurses’ experiences in Saudi Arabia
  46. Caring for the Elderly' - an Overview of Aged Care Support and Services in Australia
  47. Catastrophic health expenditure on acute coronary events in Asia: a prospective study
  48. Center for Geriatric Services
  49. Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)
  50. Central auditory functions in elderly individuals

عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).