صفحات قصيرة
بالأسفل 50 نتيجة في النطاق من 151 إلى 200.
عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
- (تاريخ) Knowledge sharing among workers- a study on their contribution through informal communication in Malaysia [117 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Old Age in Ancient Egypt [118 بايت]
- (تاريخ) مجالسة المسنين: مهنة جديدة يقبل عليها شباب مصر لمواجهة البطالة [118 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Health research improves healthcare: now we have the evidence and the chance to help the WHO spread such benefits globally [118 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Knowledge, access and use of internet-based health information for personal healthcare among employees of the foremost Nigerian University [118 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Open-label safety and efficacy pilot trial of intraperitoneal bevacizumab as palliative treatment in refractory malignant ascites [118 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Assessing health consumerism on the Web a demographic profile of information-seeking behaviors. [119 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Finding a depression app: a review and content analysis of the depression app marketplace [119 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Health Information Services for Lay People [119 بايت]
- (تاريخ) How to Hope: A Post from Egypt on [119 بايت]
- (تاريخ) الرعاية الصحية المنزلية (مستشفى المواساة الجديد) [119 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Identifying and Implementing Management Best Practice for Communities of Practice [120 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Highlights Of The Second Regional Training Of The Trainers’ (TOT) Workshop On Palliative Care, Kuwait, 23-26 November 2014 [120 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Encyclopedia of Mathematics [120 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Review article: esomeprazole ) the first proton pump inhibitor to be developed as an isomer [120 بايت]
- (تاريخ) توفير الرعاية لكبار السن دون الحاجة لمستشفى خاص الوقت [121 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Egypt: WHO statistical profile [121 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Mental health related Internet use among psychiatric patients- a cross-sectional analysis [122 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Bispectral Index Monitoring Improves the Cognitive Function After Desflurane –Anaesthesia in Elderly Patients Undergoing Spine Surgery [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Investigating the role of organizational structure in developing shared understanding of requirements within GSD [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Cultural Approaches to Pediatric Palliative Care in Central Massachusetts-Egyptian [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Bronchoscopic electrocauterization versus argon plasma coagulation as a palliative management for patients with bronchogenic carcinoma [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Virtual research visits and direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Parkinson’s disease [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) منهجيات قياس إدارة المعرفة في الوطن العربي [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) IDELIRIUM [123 بايت]
- (تاريخ) المركز الإنجيلي لرعاية المسنين والمعالجة الفيزيائية [124 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Social media used as a health intervention in adolescent health: A systematic review of the literature [124 بايت]
- (تاريخ) دورات جليس المسنين في مصر [125 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Theory-based strategies for enhancing the impact and usage of digital health behaviour change interventions: A review [125 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Knowledge translation -- Hughes [125 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale [125 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Knowledge Asset Management Pertinent to Information Systems Outsourcing [126 بايت]
- (تاريخ) What is Knowledge Translation? [126 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Health literacy and health information behavior of Florida public library users A mixed methods study [127 بايت]
- (تاريخ) ASCO’s Palliative Care Workshops in Resource-Constrained Countries [127 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Creating a database of internet-based clinical trials to support a public-led research programme: A descriptive analysis [127 بايت]
- (تاريخ) دور المسنين.. عجائز يعيشون في زوايا النسيان [128 بايت]
- (تاريخ) A Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation [128 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Identification of sources from which doctors in the private sector obtain information on HIV and AIDS [128 بايت]
- (تاريخ) The Digital Divide in Health Education [128 بايت]
- (تاريخ) The Creative Practices in Home Safety Assessment and Modification Study [128 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Online communities: designing usability and supporting sociability [129 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Reverse knowledge transfer in emerging market multinationals: The Indian context [129 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Science, technology and the ‘grand challenge’ of ageing: Understanding the socio-material constitution of later life [129 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Socially robust knowledge in coastal projects [129 بايت]
- (تاريخ) When performance goals deter performance: Transfer of skills in integrative negotiations [129 بايت]
- (تاريخ) الإصدار الأول من المجلة العربية للجودة في التعليم [129 بايت]
- (تاريخ) Palliative Care in Egypt: Awareness is the Problem [130 بايت]
- (تاريخ) بيان اللسان: من أجل اللغة العربية [130 بايت]
عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).