الإسم الرسمي
Orthopaedia.net إنتقلت إلى http://www.orthopaedicsone.com
الوصف الرسمي
Orthopaedia.net is a unique coalition of healthcare organizations, industry, government and individuals who care about improving orthopaedic education and musculoskeletal health. We thank all who are supporting and participating in this Project.
You will find Participating Groups listed here, along with links to their web sites, where you can find out more about their own initiatives.
- Organizations
- Government
- Corporate
- Media
- Chiropractic Colleges
- Medical Schools
- Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Introduction to OrthopaedicsOne[2]
OrthopaedicsOne is a collaborative orthopaedic knowledge network, a repository of educational materials, and a professional network for the exchange of information.
By harnessing the power of the OrthopaedicsOne digital publishing platform, you can create and share articles, videos, and other documents with colleagues from around the world.
If you are looking for a better way to share, communicate, and collaborate, OrthopaedicsOne has the essential features for you:
- Contribute an article, video, presentation, image, news, or case
- Create a blog or comment on a blog post
- Ask the community a question or provide your expert opinion
- Share your viewpoint on a point-counterpoint debate
- Invite your fellows, residents and colleagues to join
OrthopaedicsOne is much more than an orthopaedic wiki. Click on the Features to find out more!
==الرسالة والأهداف
To provide a trusted, comprehensive and open peer-reviewed on-line collaborative knowledgebase in musculoskeletal medicine and orthopaedic surgery
To harness The Wisdom of Crowds for improved education, research and patient care
To provide an integrated professional network and foster knowledge transfer and collaboration across the orthopaedic community
What is OrthopaedicsOne?
OrthopaedicsOne is the collaborative orthopaedic knowledge network, a repository of educational materials and a professional network for the exchange of information. OrthopaedicsOne is built on a powerful collaboration platform that lets you create and share articles, videos, and documents with your colleagues.
At a simple level, think of OrthopaedicsOne as a knowledge sharing portal that UNITES stakeholders across orthopaedics and musculoskeletal medicine.
Surgeons, residents, medical students, institutions, industry, publishers and societies can all benefit from the OrthopaedicsOne collaboration platform. Learn what OrthopaedicsOne can do for you.
Who is behind OrthopaedicsOne?
OrthopedicsOne is the brain child of Co-Founders Christian Veillette and Joseph Bernstein and development is supported by Sponsoring Organizations.
Atlassian supports our efforts by contributing Confluence, the enterprise wiki platform, for our development. Atlassian is an innovative Australian software company providing enterprise software solutions to the world's leading organisations. How OrthopaedicsOne Differs from a Textbook
- The table of contents is not fixed
- Anybody can write
- Anybody can edit
- Anybody can create and share articles, videos, and documents with colleagues or the community.
OrthopaedicsOne is consider a closed community, where "Anybody" refers to "Any Member" of the OrthopaedicsOne community. Membership is open to all orthopaedic students, residents, fellows, surgeons or allied musculoskeletal health professionals.
The collaboration platform and open knowledge model should allow OrthopedicsOne to be the most up-to-date, accurate and useful education tool in the world for musculoskeletal medicine and orthopedic surgery.
تاريخ إطلاق الأداة
الجهات المشاركة
تنظيم العمل
Hold discussions, create documents, share knowledge, blog ... in one place.
Knowledge Management
Consolidate your institutions orthopaedic knowledge in a single, searchable, structured repository.
Create and publish online articles the efficient way.