تغذية شخص لديه دمنشيا

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طرق غير تقليدية

فيتامين ب12

فقدان الشم والذوق

خمس وجبات صغيرة اسهل ونشاط اجتماعي

تجربة وحدة الدمنشيا في مستشفى سانت ماري

The Dementia Care Unit at St Mary's Hospital in London is trialling a new scheme of providing five small meals at numerous times through the day. Poor nutrition is experienced by many patients with dementia, who find it difficult to eat and drink enough to keep well-nourished and hydrated. Many forget when they last ate and can struggle to eat large meals. The process also encourages more social interaction and helps the patient keep busy; plus, the trials showed patients were able to keep their weight up while in hospital. We speak to Jo James, dementia care lead.
