شبكة المعلومات الصحية للجميع

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شبكة المعلومات الصحية للجميع

"شبكة المعلومات الصحية للجميع" (هيفا) Health Information For All-HIFA 2015 HIFA2015 [1] هي شبكة تجمع العاملين في القطاع الصحي ومنتجي المراجع والمواد التعليمية الصحية والمكتبيون ورجال تقنية والباحثين وصانعي السياسات من كل العالم.


تهدف لمعالجة النقص في المعلومات الصحية.

وصلات خارجية[عدل]

(هيفا 2015 HIFA2015 [2]

الإسم الرسمي[عدل]

HIFA2015 is transitioning and expanding to HIFA. A completely new website will be launched in February/March 2016 at www.hifa.org[1]

الوصف الرسمي[عدل]

الرسالة والأهداف[عدل]

The HIFA Vision: A world where every person and every health worker will have access to the healthcare information they need to protect their own health and the health of those for whom they are responsible[2].

تاريخ إطلاق الأداة[عدل]

The HIFA campaign was launched in Mombasa, Kenya in October 2006[3]

الجهات المشاركة[عدل]

HIFA brings together more than 15,000 health researchers, publishers, librarians, policymakers, clinicians and information professionals on 5 forums in 3 languages. These 5 forums are among more than 700 international development and social justice forums supported by Dgroups[4].

HIFA collaborates with the World Health Organization and is supported by more than 260 health and development organisations worldwide[5].

تنظيم العمل[عدل]

Members interact by five HIFA Global Forums: HIFA, CHIFA, HIFA-Portuguese, HIFA-EVIPNet-French, and HIFA-Zambia. Together we are building HIFA Voices, an experiential database on information needs and how to meet them.

الإشارة للأداة[عدل]


The following organisations have provided a financial contribution for HIFA activities in 2015: British Medical Association (main funder), Africa Health, Afro-European Medical & Research Network, Anadach Group, Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria, Awojobi Clinic Eruwa, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Children for Health, Commonwealth Nurses Federation, Council of International Neonatal Nurses, eCancer, Elsevier, EqualHealth (formerly Physicians for Haiti), Friends Of Chitambo, Global Health Media Project, Haiti Nursing Foundation, HealthProm, Intel Corporation, International Child Health Group, International Foundation for Dermatology, International League of Dermatological Societies, International Society for Social Paediatrics and Child Health, IntraHealth International, Joanna Briggs Institute, Knowledge Transfer Africa Ltd, The Lancet, LiveWell Initiative, mPowering Frontline Health Workers, Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba, Network for Information and Digital Access, Partnerships in Health Information, Public Library of Science (PLOS), Quality + Care Solutions, Royal College of Midwives, The Test Foundation, The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust, WHO Collaborating Centre for Knowledge Translation & Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity, Wiki Project Med Foundation, Your.MD, Zambia UK Health Workforce Alliance[6].


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK)[7][8]



التلاقي مع ويكيتعمر[عدل]

مفتوحة المصدر CC

الإختلاف مع ويكيتعمر[عدل]
