عمر بيولوجي (مصطلح)

من ويكيتعمر
مراجعة 08:27، 30 أغسطس 2017 بواسطة Ashashyou (نقاش | مساهمات) (نقل Ashashyou صفحة العمر البيولوجي إلى عمر بيولوجي (مصطلح): أصح)
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اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث

العمر البيولوجي Biologic age[عدل]

is the age that most normal people would be when they have a body and mind similar to yours

  • Telomeres length could be used to measure it generally
  • We actually start Ageing since we are a fetus inside our mother's uterus. We continue to age after being born some cells stop division temperorily while other continue to have serial divisions to repair any damage through life.
  • Cell division is a finite phenomenum as stated in the Hayflick principal.
