Socio-demographic factors related to functional limitations and care dependency among older Egyptians

من ويكيتعمر
مراجعة 14:28، 14 فبراير 2015 بواسطة Ashashyou (نقاش | مساهمات)
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Socio-demographic factors related to functional limitations and care dependency among older Egyptians.

Thomas Boggatz, Tamer Farid, Ahmed Mohammedin, Ate Dijkstra, Christa Lohrmann, Theo Dassen

جهات مشاركة

Department of the Education for Nurse and Paramedical Teachers and Nursing Science, Thomas Boggatz MA Researcher Centre for Humanities and Health Sciences, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany.


Journal of Advanced Nursing (Impact Factor: 1.69). 03/2010; 66(5):1047-58.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05259.x
