«Self Perception of Community Dwelling Elderly toward Aging in Shubra El Khima City»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

من ويكيتعمر
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(أنشأ الصفحة ب' Self Perception of Community Dwelling Elderly toward Aging in Shubra El Khima City. Source: Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine . Oct2013, Vol. 53, p782-788. 7p. Aut...')
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مراجعة 19:31، 17 نوفمبر 2017

Self Perception of Community Dwelling Elderly toward Aging in Shubra El Khima City. Source: Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine . Oct2013, Vol. 53, p782-788. 7p.

Author(s): Mortagy, Ahmed K.; Fahim, Hoda I.; Farid, Tamer M.; Abdul Rahman, Ekramy E.; Abdellah, Asmaa F.


Background: Elderly with positive self-perception of aging tend to engage in additional health behaviors related to prevention and report better functional health and live longer. Objectives: The aim of the study is to assess the self-image of community dwelling elderly toward aging in shubra el khima city. Design: A cross sectional study. Participants: Four Hundred of community dwelling elderly. Settings: shubra el khima city. Measurements: Minimental status examination (MMSE-30), Geriatric Depression scale (GDS-15), Direct interview by researcher to fulfill a structured battery of questionnaire formed of several subscales from seven different questionnaires investigating self perception of aging by participating individual:Age Stereotypes Scale, Quality of Life Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Lawton's Philadelphia Geriatric Center (PGC) Morale Scale, Subjective Age Scale, Ryff'sPsychological Well Being Scales. Results: Older people feel younger than they actually are generally are satisfied with their aging, have high levels of positive affect and low level of negative affect and have higher morale, have positive age stereotype, have positive self-acceptance (good psychological well-being) and positive purpose in life. The three most important things for a good quality of life among studied participants were in order: good health followed by having good pension and good relationship with family members or friends. Conclusion: elderly in shubra el khima city have positive self-perception of aging.
