«Prevalence and predictors of frailty among end stage kidney disease patients on hemodialysis»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

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مراجعة 21:01، 10 أبريل 2015

Thesis 2014. Prevalence and predictors of frailty among end stage kidney disease patients on hemodialysis / Hassan, Samira Mohamed Arabi Ismail.

 616 الأمراض  
تصفح الوعاء  

تصنيف ديوى: 616 المؤلف: Hassan, Samira Mohamed Arabi Ismail. العنوان: Prevalence and predictors of frailty among end stage kidney disease patients on hemodialysis / بيان المسئولية : By Samira Mohamed Arabi Ismail Hassan ; Supervision Hamed Abdel Aziz Deraz, Amira Ahmed Mohamed Moneir. عنوان موازي: انتشار الوهن ومسبباته بين مرضي فشل الكلي المزمن الخاضعين للعلاج بالاستصفاء الدموي. تاريخ النشر: 2014. الحجم: 125 p. : ابعاد الوعاء: 25 cm. + درجة الرسالة: Thesis(M.Sc.) – Zagazig University. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Internal Medicine. ملخص: Frailty, an important problem in geriatric medicine, is becoming more recognized in patients with CKD, as well as patients with ESKD, as a factor that can even worsen the prognosis and the quality of life of these patients. It is imperative for the nephrology community to recognize this syndrome of frailty and work to manage it. In our dialysis patients, we detected high prevalence of frailty syndrome among all age groups even those younger than 40 years old. Frailty is associated with female gender, hypoalbuminemia, increased inflammatory markers as elevated CRP and elevated total leukocytic count and in those with low hemoglobin level. Frailty also more detected in patients with hyperparathyroidism. الموضوع: Internal Medicine. مؤلف فرعي: Moneir, Amira Ahmed Mohamed, / Supervisor. مؤلف فرعي: Deraz, Hamed Abdel Aziz, / Supervisor. الهيئة المشرفة: Zagazig University. / Faculty of Medicine. -Department of Internal Medicine.