«Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous?»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

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(أنشأ الصفحة ب'تعليق: نماذج رائعة من النقاشات.--~~~~ Old 03-21-2014, 06:14 AM #1 Jody42424242 Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? Hello, I am a 44 - s...')
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المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 21:52، 1 نوفمبر 2016

تعليق: نماذج رائعة من النقاشات.--احمد شوقي محمدين 21:52، 1 نوفمبر 2016 (ت ع م)

Old 03-21-2014, 06:14 AM #1 Jody42424242

Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? Hello,

I am a 44 - soon tobe 45 year old woman. I had a persistent sore throat for several weeks and the ENT said it was acid reflux and prescribed a six week course of omeprazole. I am not taking any other medications. I am currently on day 7 and my throat is only slightly better but I have noticed the last 3 days my eyes have felt incredibly strained. So much so that even watching television was almost painful. I went online and sure enough eye strain was one of the side effects albeit a "rare one". So it said, if you experience this contact your doctor right away. Which I did. He said he never heard of anything like that and that it was impossible. I told him it was one of the listed side effects. He said "Hmmm...." I said could it be dangerous...he said " I don't know, but keep taking the medication" So, speaking to my doctor proved to be useless. I called the pharmacist and although he verified that the eye strain is a possible side effect, his response was to talk to my doctor. When I told him his answer, he said he really couldn't elaborate more other than that it is a possible side effect. So, I wanted to know if anyone knows if this is a dangerous side effect or if it's just the medicine drying out the eyes causing the strain.

Thanks so much! Jody

Old 03-21-2014, 12:56 PM #2 kacyc

Re: Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? I don't know if it dangerous, but I can verify that it is a side effect of omeprazole, that I too have had!! the only reason i think it is listed as rare is that people don't report it, or don't realise it is the drug causing the eye strain. And as you experienced doctors don't have a clue about side effects and offer no help or insight as to the reasons or safety.

What I would say is that omeprazole as a drug is dangerous and can have terrible side effects, the worst of which is not experienced until you attempt to stop taking it. It can be very addictive with terrible problems getting off it.

You have only been taking it a few days, so you will not yet be addicted, but I suggest you read up about omeprazole addiction before you decide to stay on it for 6 weeks.

You would be wiser to try to treat your sore throat another way, before you end up with more problems from this potent drug.

Old 03-21-2014, 01:51 PM #3 Jody42424242

Re: Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? Thank you for your reply. I agree with you 100%. I hate pills and avoid taking them at all costs opting for holistic treatments instead. I did read about these drugs and while I was not pleased about taking them I was concerned about damage to my esophogus or vocal chords. But I did not take one today and my eyes do feel much better.

Thanks again!

Old 03-24-2014, 08:04 PM #4 CFaith1

Re: Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? I too had eye strain on Prilosec (which is Omeprazole), along with a few other side effects--i.e. depression and some other strange things). When I told my GI he said he had never heard of any of them and recommended that I try another PPI. I never want to be on a PPI again and am trying alternatives now. I have lost a lot of faith in the medical community with my GERD issues.

Old 03-25-2014, 11:52 AM #5 kacyc

Re: Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? I have seen about 6 different consultants, and they never, not once admitted anything is a side effect! An enlightening experience.

Old 03-26-2014, 11:15 PM #6 benzbuggie

Re: Omeprazole - Strained Eyes - Dangerous? you are not alone, i actually just joined today to try and find natural remedies for acid reflux because i cant stand the side effects of ppi's. I have been on omeprazole for a week only and its like my life got flipped upside down. I have had extremely blurred vision at times and the feeling like my eyes are severely strained. Not to mention the horrible fatigue and out of body feeling. I am an alcoholic who drinks off and on and when you are coming off of alcohol you will feel that out of body/cloudy/brain fog feeling, it is nothing compared to what i have felt from this crap, i might as well be a ghost watching my body live. I have also noticed weak legs which werent as bad today as previous days along with a sore back. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldnt take ppi's. I guess in some cases you have no choice but as for me, IM OUT!
