عبد المنعم عاشور

من ويكيتعمر
مراجعة 17:36، 9 أبريل 2015 بواسطة Ashashyou (نقاش | مساهمات) (رسائل علمية)
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث

عبد المنعم محمود عاشور مصطفى[1] الشهير بعبد المنعم عاشور هو أحد رواد تخصص طب المسنين في مصر والعالم العربي



حياته الأكاديمية

  • أستاذ متفرغ: قسم طب المخ والاعصاب والطب النفسىز موقع صفحته على كلية طب عين شمس [2]

حياته العلمية

  • دكتوراه - - January 1, 1982 [3]
  • ماجستير - - January 1, 1970 [4]


تأسيس وحدة طب مسنين عين شمس

وثيقة مؤسسي طب المسنين في مصر الأساتذة (عاشور - فكري - صبور) وعبده سلام.
وحدة طب المسنين إحدى وحدات قسم النفسية والعصبية والمسنين. رئيس قسم النفسية والعصبية والمسنين: أد/ أحمد عكاشة

This clinical service started as the geriatric unit in Ain Shams University in 1990. This academic department is the only academic department in the Egyptian universities. This department is involved in the M.Sc training in geriatric medicine as well as the MD degree in the specialty. The geriatric unit has change to be academic unit in the 1996. [5]

تأسيس دراسات عليا في طب المسنين

Till 1988 there was no specialized study in Geriatric medicine. It started at the post graduate level as Master degree in Geriatric Medicine which is a taught course in geriatric medicine and a research topic. It is obtained through a written examination, a clinical examination in geriatric medicine. Also there is a doctorate degree in geriatric medicine, in which it has clinical and written examinations and the student also has to choose a research topic as a partial fulfillment to obtain the degree. [6]

تأسيس دراسات فوق عليا في طبنفس المسنين

تأسيس وحدة مسنين حلوان

The center of elderly care has been established in 1996. This center is a self-financed unit under the umbrella of the center for community development in Helwan University. The main objective of the center is to provide both the clinical service for older Egyptians as well as trying to develop a geriatric care model which could be transferred to other institutions and organizations involved in older people care in Egypt. [7]

تأسيس الجمعية المصرية لطب المسنين

الجمعية الطبية المصرية بنقابة أطباء مصر وفروعها (من ضمنها طب المسنين)
تاريخ الجمعية المصرية لطب المسنين وعلوم التعمر أنشأت في 1988

تأسيس جمعية ألزهيمر مصر

تأسيس الجمعية العالمية لطبنفس المسنين

تأسيس وحدة طبنفس المسنين عين شمس

وحدة طب نفس المسنين - عين شمس
عيادة طبنفس المسنين - عين شمس

إتفاقية تعاون وحدة طب مسنين عين شمس مع معهد الأمم المتحدة للتعمر بمالطا

إتفاقية تعاون وتبادل علمي بين وحدة طب مسنين عين شمس مع عدة جامعات أمريكية تحت إشراف هيئة الفولبرايت

مؤتمرات ومواسم علمية ودورات

2nd National Geriatrics conference 1994


    • Psychogeriatrics in the Muslim World - Abdel Ashour, Egypt
  • Egypt elderly strategy 2007
Egypt elderly strategy 2007


ألزهيمر كافييه

صفاته الشخصية


كتب بالعربية

غلاف كتاب صحة المسنين 2009
غلاف كتاب صحة المسنين 2001

كتب بالإنجليزية


  • Health care for the elderly: a comparative study between Egypt and the United States
    • - Health care for the elderly : a comparative study between Egypt and the United States - Author: Erdman Ballagh Palmore; Abdel Moneim Ashour; Fulbright Commission in Egypt.; Jāmiʻat ʻAyn Shams. Geriatrics Unit.; Egyptian Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology. - Publisher: [Cairo, Egypt?] : Fulbright Commission, ©1992. - Series: Occasional paper series (Fulbright Commission in Egypt), v. 2, no. 1. [11]


  • Egypt / Abdel Moniem Ashour (1993) in Developments and research on aging : an international handbook / edited by Erdman B. Palmore ; foreword by Edit Beregi - Edition: [Rev. ed.]. Description: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1993 - Pages:xix, 429 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ISBN: 0313277850 [12] [13]
    • pp. 90-101
  • Egypt, Abdel Moniem Ashour in "Developments and Research on Aging2nd Revised edition of "International Handbook on Aging: Contemporary Developments and Research" - 2Rev ed of "International Handbook on Aging: Contemporary Developments and Research" - A01 - ed. Erdman Ballagh Palmor - ISBN: 9780313277856 - pages: 456 - Greenwood Press - United States - Westport CT [14]



  • Egypt: by Abdel Moneim Ashour [16]
    • PP225
    • The International Handbook on Aging: Current Research and Developments. Edition: 3rd. Contributors: Erdman B. Palmore - Editor, Frank Whittington -

By Erdman B. Palmore, Frank Whittington, Suzanne Kunkel Praeger, 2009 - 722 pages - Editor, Suzanne Kunkel - Editor. Publisher: Praeger. Place of publication: Santa Barbara, CA. Publication year: 2009. [17]

نشرات دورية

رسائل علمية

أشرف على عدة رسائل علمية ذات صلة بكل نواحي رعاية المسنين منها:

. 2007 - مروة فاروق محمود حسنين،

تصنيف ديوى: 616.89 المؤلف: Abdel-Moneim Mahmoud Abido,Rasha العنوان: The psychiatric and Quality of life Profile of Users of a Psychogeriatric Service in Cairo بيان المسئولية : Rasha Abdel-Moneim Mahmoud Abido؛supervisor Abdel Moneim Mahmoud Ashour,Alaa El-Din Mohamed Ali Soliman,Abeer Mahmoud Ahmed عنوان موازي: صورة عرضية شاملة التقييم النفسي و نوعية الحياة لمستخدمي خدمة الطب النفسي للمسنين بالقاهرة . تاريخ النشر: 2006 . الحجم: 264.p؛ ابعاد الوعاء: 30.cm. درجة الرسالة: thesis(m-d)-Faculty of Medicine .Ain Shams University.Psychiatry ملخص: The increasing attention being given to prolongation of life has resulted in insufficient attention to protecting the quality of life of elderly population. Thus, for most older adults, the promise of longevity presents serious concerns about the future quality of a life that has been prolonged by medical advances. As a result, for older adults, quality of life is becoming much more a rating of physical health status as reflected in illness, disease, physical and functional decline, and infirmity. Quality of life (Q.O.L.) is difficult to measure but has a great impact upon patient decision making and medical care. Many patients with severe mental disease prefer to trade off life expectancy for improved symptoms and Q.O.L. Over time and as Q.O.L. changes, these decisions may also change. Thus, Q.O.L. assessment, while imprecise, caries importance in the management of the elderly with psychiatric illness. Lower Q.O.L. scores have been used to predict morbidity and mortality in geriatric patients. There are two main types of Q.O.L. measures: generic instruments (health profiles and health indices) and disease specific instruments (domain-, disease-, population- and symptom-specific). Many factors affect elderly’s Q.O.L. as: health status (physical, mental and cognitive function), life style factors, functional independence, participation in the community, religious influences, economic resources, sense of subjective wellbeing, family support, social contact and structure, impact of technology and environmental resources. Two models underlie efforts to maintain the elderly Q.O.L. The first, a medical model (health-related Q.O.L.), is based on a medical management of disabling chronic conditions. The second is a social model (life-span model). It analyzes two models: (a) selective optimization with compensation model, which focuses on establishing the limits and possibilities of function in old age; and (b) stress model, which emphasizes people’s capacity for coping with changing or difficult situations that may appear in old age. The aim of this work was to correlate the Q.O.L. of a population of users of a psychogeriatric service in Cairo with their psychosociobiological profile in order to highlight clusters of factors associated with poor Q.O.L. in those users, which enables psychogeriatric services to meet these patients’ needs. This study included 300 psychogeriatric patients attending Boulak General Hospital outpatient clinics. For each participant, the following were obtained: sociodemographic data (age, gender, religion, marital status, socio-economic status, level of education, occupation), psychiatric history, medical history, evaluation of caregiver status, Rosenberg self esteem scale, Katz Index of A.D.L., GMS/AGECAT scale, Q.O.L. profile “brief form”. The results of our study showed that female subjects had lower Q.O.L. compared to males. There was a negative association between age and Q.O.L. in both male and female subjects. Religion and self-esteem had no significant association with Q.O.L. in both genders. There was no significant association between socio-economic status and Q.O.L. in male subjects, but it had a significant negative association with Q.O.L. in female subjects. Marital status had a significantly positive association in male subjects and a negative association in female subjects. Need for caregiver had a significant positive association with female Q.O.L., but a negative association with male Q.O.L. Sleep disturbances, memory disorders and sad feeling all had negative impact on both male and female subjects’ Q.O.L. Inability to carry out the A.D.L. and I.A.D.L. had a significant negative association with Q.O.L. in both male and female subjects. We couldn’t establish an association between physical illnesses (D.M., hypertension, pulmonary, cardiac, and hepatic dysfunction) and elderly Q.O.L. in both genders. Patients who had cerebrovascular stroke, both male and female, had significantly lower Q.O.L. profile. Patients who had GMS diagnosis of anxiety, depression and dementia had significantly lower Q.O.L. profile compared to others. الموضوع: Performance of activities of daily living (ADL) in the studied subjects. مؤلف فرعي: Mohamed Ali Soliman,Alaa El-Din ، / supervisor. مؤلف فرعي: Mahmoud Ahmed ,Abeer ، / supervisor. مؤلف فرعي: Moneim Mahmoud Ashour,Abdel ، / supervisor.

مقالات علمية دولية

  • Ashour, A. M. (1986). Mind-body-disease investigations in Egypt: A psychiatrist's monopoly: Advances Vol 3(4) Fal 1986, 15-18. [18]

نشاط مجتمعي

أيام ألزهيمر

المجموعة الاستشارية لمنتدى المواطنون الكبار

عضو في المجموعة الاستشارية لمنتدى المواطنون الكبار [21]

من أقواله

  • د. عبد المنعم عاشور رائد طب المسنين لـوظيفتى: نعانى من غياب فرص العمل وعدم اعتراف الصحة بالتخصص - صحيفة وظيفتى - السبت, 07 أغسطس 2010 16:04 [22]
  • ليس لدى مصر سوى بحث مُفرَد عن «ألزهايمر»! - جريدة الحياة عدد الإثنين، ٠٨ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢ -حوار مع سحر الببلاوي[23]
  • أعراض مرض الزهايمر [24]


توفي إلى رحمة الله في 6 أبريل 2015