Evaluation of Omeprazole Effect on Glaucoma

من ويكيتعمر
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تعليق: الدواء يؤثر على ضغط داخل العين مثلما هو واضح في فرضية الدراسة المكتوبة هنا. فهل له علاقة بالعصب البصري؟ الدراسة مسجلة في السجل الرسمي الأمريكي للدراسات وتفترض أن الدواء آمن لهذا يباع دون وصفة طبية.--احمد شوقي محمدين 19:26، 15 أكتوبر 2016 (ت ع م)

ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01000220

Verified October 2009 by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.


Omeprazole is a safe drug listed in OTC drug due to its safety. It acts by irreversible inhibition of K/H ATP ase pump and also Na/K ATP ase, Na/H ATP ase.Considering these actions the effect of omeprazole on decreasing intra ocular pressure is an issue of debate.In this Randomized Clinical Trial conducted in labafinejad hospital, patients with glaucoma who need to take omeprazole due to GI problem are evaluated in two groups including placebo and drug users. The effect will be finally assessed.
