Gender Bias in the Allocation of Curative Health Care in Minia, Egypt

من ويكيتعمر
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث

Population Research and Policy Review June 2003, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 267-299

Gender Bias in the Allocation of Curative Health Care in Minia, Egypt

Kathryn M. Yount

مقالة توضح إتخاذ القرار في الرعاية الصحة في الأطفال وهي تسجل طريقة إتخاذ القرار بشكل عام ينطبق على المسنين.


Research indicates that girls' disadvantage in 1–4 mortality is unusually high in Egypt, yet the relevance of intra-family differences in power for the distributionof health resources is debated. This analysis compares effects of the involvementof various family members on choice of provider, place of care, and total expendituresfor curative care among 129 girls and boys with diarrhea in Minia, Egypt. Girlshave lower odds than boys of visiting doctors versus lay providers and privateversus informal facilities, and the involvement of fathers in prior discussionsabout care may be important to reduce this disparity. Median expenditures forcurative care also are lower for girls than boys, particularly when fathers arenever involved in choice of care. Future research should examine the extent towhich these disparities in care reflect differences in the quality of care received.

كلمات مفتاحية[عدل]

access to care - child survival - Egypt gender differences