Identification of relevant drug interactions in Neonatal Intensive Care Units

من ويكيتعمر
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تعليق" رغم كتابته عدم وجود دليل على نفعه إلا أنه يستخدم في الأطفال حديثي الولادة.--احمد شوقي محمدين 23:22، 24 أكتوبر 2016 (ت ع م)

Identification of relevant drug interactions in Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Identification of relevant drug interactions in Neonatal Intensive Care Units A. Cransac1 , D. Semama2 , A. Lazzarotti 3 , J. Hugueny 3 , C. Sgro4 , C. Ferdynus 5 , J.B. Gouyon6 , P. Fagnoni 3

1 Saint Antoine Hospital (APHP), Pharmacy, Paris, France. 2 Dijon University Hospital, Pediatrics, Dijon, France. 3 Dijon University Hospital, Pharmacy, Dijon, France. 4 Dijon University Hospital, Regional Center of Pharmacovigilance, Dijon, France. 5 La Réunion University Hospital, Methodological Support Unit, La Réunion, France. 6 La Réunion University Hospital, Neonatology, Saint-Pierre La Réunion, France.

ويتفاعل مع السيانوكوبولامين

omeprazole cyanocobalamin 20.0 85.0

In theory, no proton pump inhibitor in the neonatal period? (in our study they were prescribed between 2006 and 2009).