Knowledge Synthesis, Transfer and Exchange in Agri- Food Public Health: A Handbook for Science-to-Policy Professionals

من ويكيتعمر
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الكتاب نموذج ممتاز لتحويل المعرفة وترجمتها لفعل في مجال المعارف عامة وفي مجال الغذاء الزراعي--احمد شوقي محمدين 17:48، 15 أكتوبر 2016 (ت ع م)


Book · August 2013

Publisher: University of Guelph

Andrijana Rajić 28.13 · Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Ian Young 23.5 · Ryerson University


The main purpose of this handbook is to assist a broad spectrum of science-to-policy professionals on how to ensure that relevant and credible research is generated and utilized to inform policy- and decision-making in times of increasingly scarce resources and when the value and utility of knowledge is increasingly recognized. The focus of the handbook is on the unique application of Knowledge Synthesis, Transfer and Exchange (KTE) methods and practices to the agri-food public health sector, denoted as a field of activity characterized by the overlap of veterinary public health, food safety, and “One Health”. However, many of the principles covered in the handbook are also applicable to broader agri-food contexts (e.g. food production and security) and other sectors (e.g. public health). The handbook begins with a broad overview of KTE and science-to-policy methods and practices and their potential applicability to the agri-food public health context (Chapter 1). The authors then describe detailed methods and practices related to knowledge synthesis (Chapter 2), knowledge transfer and dissemination (Chapter 3), knowledge exchange and stakeholder engagement (Chapter 4), and knowledge application and evaluation (Chapter 5). Throughout each chapter, unique and illustrative examples and insights are provided within the agri-food public health context. Each chapter also includes a practical exercise to apply the concepts on an agri-food public health issue and key methodological references applicable across sectors.
