«منشورات علمية عن الرعاية التلطيفية»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

من ويكيتعمر
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث
(أنشأ الصفحة ب' A comparative review of palliative care development in six countries A shortage of oral morphine in Egypt ASCO Virtual Learning Collaborative C Cancer in Sudan: pallia...')
(مراجعة متوسطة واحدة بواسطة نفس المستخدم غير معروضة)
سطر 1: سطر 1:
==من مجلد التصنيف==
*[[A comparative review of palliative care development in six countries]]
A comparative review of palliative care development in six countries
*[[A shortage of oral morphine in Egypt]]
A shortage of oral morphine in Egypt
*[[ASCO Virtual Learning Collaborative]]
ASCO Virtual Learning Collaborative
*[[Cancer in Sudan: palliative care is the most rapid way to less suffering]]
*[[Comparative Analysis of Specialization in Palliative Medicine Processes Within the World Health Organization European Region]]
Cancer in Sudan: palliative care is the most rapid way to less suffering
*[[EAPC Atlas of Palliative Care in Europe]]
Comparative Analysis of Specialization in Palliative Medicine Processes Within the World Health Organization European Region
*[[IAHPC List of Essential Practices in Palliative Care Project Description]]
*[[Invasive mechanical ventilation: Concerns over terminal extubation]]
EAPC Atlas of Palliative Care in Europe
*[[Islamic Bioethics: Problems and Perspectives]]
*[[Jordan Palliative Care Initiative]]
IAHPC List of Essential Practices in Palliative Care Project Description
*[[Master's Degree in Palliative Integrated Care for Persons with Advanced Disease]]
Invasive mechanical ventilation: Concerns over terminal extubation
*[[Middle East Cancer Consortium]]
Islamic Bioethics: Problems and Perspectives
*[[MJHS Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care]]
*[[Multicultural Palliative Care Guidelines]]
Jordan Palliative Care Initiative
* [[Opioids in Middle Eastern Populations]]
* [[Outcome Measurement in Palliative Care]]
Master's Degree in Palliative Integrated Care for Persons with Advanced Disease
* [[Palliative cancer care in Middle Eastern countries: accomplishments and challenges]]
Middle East Cancer Consortium
* [[Palliative Care for Muslim Patients]]
MJHS Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care
* [[Palliative Care in the Muslim-Majority Countries: The Need for More and Better Care]]
Multicultural Palliative Care Guidelines
* [[Palliative Care Initiative for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Proposal]]
* [[Palliative care research in North Africa]]
* [[Palliative Care to the Cancer Patient: The Middle East as a Model for Emerging Countries]]
* [[Palliative Care: symptom management and end-of-life care]]
* [[Palliative Wound Care at the End of Life]]
* [[RAND - Palliative Care]]
* [[Regional Report from Saudi Arabia Stand-alone palliative care facilities: a cultural viewpoint]]
* [[Report on the Palliative care training workshop Cairo, Egypt 17–20 October 2010]]
* [[Samy A. Alsirafy]]
* [[Scope of management of emergencies in palliative care]]
* [[Specialisation in Palliative Medicine for Physicians in Europe 2014]]
* [[The place of death of patients with cancer in Kuwait]]
* [[The role of palliative care in the ED]]
* [[أخلاقيات الممارس الصحي (السعودية)]]
* [[إشكاليات الرعاية التلطيفية]]
* [[رعاية الأمراض المهددة للحياة التي لا يرجى شفاءها (كتاب أخلاقيات الممارس الصحي)]]
* [[رعاية عقيمة]]
* [[فتاوى الرعاية التلطيفية والرعاية في آخر الحياة]]
* [[قتل الرحمة والسلوك الطبي من منظور الشريعة والقانون (كتاب)]]
* [[مؤسسة السديل للرعاية التلطيفية بالسرطان والامراض المزمنة]]
* [[ماجد الأنصاري]]
* [[مشروع المبادرة الوطنية للرعاية المنزلية]]
* [[نحو طب إسلامي (كتاب)]]

المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 09:15، 5 أكتوبر 2017

من مجلد التصنيف[عدل]