صفحات بدون وصلات لغات أخرى

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الصفحات التالية لا تصل إلى نسخ بلغات أخرى.

بالأسفل 50 نتيجة في النطاق من 1٬401 إلى 1٬450.

عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

  1. Translation and Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III into Egyptian Arabic
  2. Translation and validation of the Arab version of the Late-Life Function and Disability Instrument: a cross sectional study
  3. Translation of falls prevention knowledge into action in hospitals: what should be translated and how should it be done?
  4. Trends in the use of the Internet for health purposes in Poland
  5. Truth-Telling and Cancer Diagnoses: Physician Attitudes and Practices in Qatar
  6. Turkey 2016: Decision making and legal capacity in dementia
  7. Two cases of ocular damage associated with proton pump inhibitors
  8. U.S.-Egypt Cooperative Research: Informational and Statistical Research Topics on Aging
  9. U.S. Prison System Resembling Huge Geriatrics Ward
  10. UNFPA and the Academy Handbook of comparative analysis of the global and regional human rights systems of older persons
  12. US FDA approves Aralez's aspirin & omeprazole FDC
  13. Un effet indésirable nouveau des Inhibiteurs de la Pompe à Protons (IPP): l’hypomagnésémie
  14. Un projet sur la TABLE : un stage du diplôme universitaire de soins palliatifs en Egypte. De la théorie à la pratique
  15. Understanding how women seek health information on the web
  16. Understanding the Gap in Saudi Nurses’ Knowledge of Dementia, Depression and Delirium (the 3Ds), and Investigating Their Relevant Experience: An Exploratory Study
  17. Undertaking an information-needs analysis of the emergency-care physician to inform the role of the clinical librarian- a Greek perspective
  18. Update on the Pharmacogenomics of Proton Pump Inhibitors
  19. Updated recommendations for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis: A local Perspective
  20. Updating and validation of the socioeconomic status scale for health research in Egypt
  21. Updating emission computed tomography in neuropsychiatry
  22. Urinary Tract Infection in Home Care Patients Qatar, Doha
  23. Use of comprehensive geriatric assessment in older cancer patients: recommendations from the task force on CGA of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG)
  24. Use of the Knowledge Tree as a Mind Map in a Gerontological Course for Undergraduate Nursing Students
  25. Using Change Concepts for Improvement
  26. Using Knowledge to Action Practice Change
  27. Using social media for knowledge translation, promotion of evidence-based medicine and high-quality information on health
  28. Using the internet for health-related activities: findings from a national probability sample.
  29. Utilisation of health services by the primary health care centres-registered elderly people in Burraidah city, Saudi Arabia
  30. VA awards over $1 billion in Home Telehealth contracts–at long last
  33. Validation of the Arab Version of the Short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS—15)
  34. Validation of the Arabic version of the short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15)
  35. Validation of the Arabic version of the short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15).
  36. Validity and reliability of the Arabic version of Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
  37. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Geriatric Intensive Care Unit
  38. Vieillesse La détresse en fin de vie - Ahram Hebdo
  39. Virtual research visits and direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Parkinson’s disease
  40. Vision and hearing disorders with omeprazole: the facts
  41. Vision floue après prises d'inhibiteurs de la pompe a protons
  42. Visions of the future for academic publishing - BioMed Central blog
  43. Visiting Angels
  44. Visual Hallucinations in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Patients Are Induced or Exacerbated by Proton Pump Inhibitors: Clinical and Electrophysiological Studies
  45. Visual Hallucinations in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Patients are Induced by Proton Pump Inhibitors: Clinical and Electrophysiologic Studies
  46. Visual hallucinations and Charles Bonnet syndrome after photodynamic therapy for age related macular degeneration
  47. Visual hallucinations in eye disease
  48. Visual loss and visual hallucinations in patients with age-related macular degeneration (Charles Bonnet syndrome)
  49. Vitamin D deficiency among the elderly: insights from Qatar
  50. Vitamin D status in Middle East and Africa

عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).