صفحات بدون وصلات لغات أخرى
الصفحات التالية لا تصل إلى نسخ بلغات أخرى.
بالأسفل 50 نتيجة في النطاق من 1٬401 إلى 1٬450.
عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
- Translation and Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III into Egyptian Arabic
- Translation and validation of the Arab version of the Late-Life Function and Disability Instrument: a cross sectional study
- Translation of falls prevention knowledge into action in hospitals: what should be translated and how should it be done?
- Trends in the use of the Internet for health purposes in Poland
- Truth-Telling and Cancer Diagnoses: Physician Attitudes and Practices in Qatar
- Turkey 2016: Decision making and legal capacity in dementia
- Two cases of ocular damage associated with proton pump inhibitors
- U.S.-Egypt Cooperative Research: Informational and Statistical Research Topics on Aging
- U.S. Prison System Resembling Huge Geriatrics Ward
- UNFPA and the Academy Handbook of comparative analysis of the global and regional human rights systems of older persons
- US FDA approves Aralez's aspirin & omeprazole FDC
- Un effet indésirable nouveau des Inhibiteurs de la Pompe à Protons (IPP): l’hypomagnésémie
- Un projet sur la TABLE : un stage du diplôme universitaire de soins palliatifs en Egypte. De la théorie à la pratique
- Understanding how women seek health information on the web
- Understanding the Gap in Saudi Nurses’ Knowledge of Dementia, Depression and Delirium (the 3Ds), and Investigating Their Relevant Experience: An Exploratory Study
- Undertaking an information-needs analysis of the emergency-care physician to inform the role of the clinical librarian- a Greek perspective
- Update on the Pharmacogenomics of Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Updated recommendations for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis: A local Perspective
- Updating and validation of the socioeconomic status scale for health research in Egypt
- Updating emission computed tomography in neuropsychiatry
- Urinary Tract Infection in Home Care Patients Qatar, Doha
- Use of comprehensive geriatric assessment in older cancer patients: recommendations from the task force on CGA of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG)
- Use of the Knowledge Tree as a Mind Map in a Gerontological Course for Undergraduate Nursing Students
- Using Change Concepts for Improvement
- Using Knowledge to Action Practice Change
- Using social media for knowledge translation, promotion of evidence-based medicine and high-quality information on health
- Using the internet for health-related activities: findings from a national probability sample.
- Utilisation of health services by the primary health care centres-registered elderly people in Burraidah city, Saudi Arabia
- VA awards over $1 billion in Home Telehealth contracts–at long last
- Validation of the Arab Version of the Short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS—15)
- Validation of the Arabic version of the short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15)
- Validation of the Arabic version of the short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15).
- Validity and reliability of the Arabic version of Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
- Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Geriatric Intensive Care Unit
- Vieillesse La détresse en fin de vie - Ahram Hebdo
- Virtual research visits and direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Parkinson’s disease
- Vision and hearing disorders with omeprazole: the facts
- Vision floue après prises d'inhibiteurs de la pompe a protons
- Visions of the future for academic publishing - BioMed Central blog
- Visiting Angels
- Visual Hallucinations in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Patients Are Induced or Exacerbated by Proton Pump Inhibitors: Clinical and Electrophysiological Studies
- Visual Hallucinations in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Patients are Induced by Proton Pump Inhibitors: Clinical and Electrophysiologic Studies
- Visual hallucinations and Charles Bonnet syndrome after photodynamic therapy for age related macular degeneration
- Visual hallucinations in eye disease
- Visual loss and visual hallucinations in patients with age-related macular degeneration (Charles Bonnet syndrome)
- Vitamin D deficiency among the elderly: insights from Qatar
- Vitamin D status in Middle East and Africa
عرض (50 السابقة | 50 التالية) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).